12.22.2017 Delegates from the Council of Young Scientists DNUZT took part in an expanded meeting of the Standing Committee of the Regional Council on Entrepreneurship

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17 / 01 2018
12.22.2017 Delegates from the Council of Young Scientists DNUZT took part in the expanded meeting of the Standing Committee of the Regional Council on Entrepreneurship, Manufacturing, Trade and Consumer Services, which took place with the participation of the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Prygunova Gleb Oleksandrovych, entrepreneurs and employers of our city.

The head of the Council of Young Scientists DNUZT Gordeeva Inna Oleksandrivna took part in the discussion on the training of future specialists, the areas of dual education (parallel education and training at the enterprises of the region) and the conditions for improving the quality of education.



Council of Young Scientists DNUZT

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